The rever in nepal


River means the massof water which flows from high place tolaw place. In nepal there are many rivers some river are small and some are bigo. The small river are called streams. The main cause of such innumerable rivers here is that nepalis a mountainous country. The rever are flowing from north to south.The important river in nepal are sapta koshi, karnali and gundaki. The sourse of these rivers is mountain. ther are never dry. River shave many advantages. we can use them to produce eleetricity, irrigateour gieds, get there also many disadvantages of the rivers. the flood of the river of the rivers is very dangerous.

Lake side


Lake side is situated in the pokhara nearby few lake we know that the world lakeside refers to"the side of the lake or place beside the lake. Lakeside one of the beautiful place where many people go for visite. It is one of the best place for the tourist. Where many tourist come to lakeside to visit and take entertainment. We can found many resturant,hotel, lodges etc for the tourist behind the lakeside. Many people get the opportunity who live around the lakeside. Due to its beautiniess it is very helpful for the people.



There are many important religious or historical place in Nepal . I think one very important historical or religious place is lumbini . This place has religious and historical importance beacause
gautum buddha was born here. This place is located in the western terai of nepal . It lies in kapil bastu district lord buddha was born 2500 year ago in this place he had garned knowledge and trath there since than it has been a memorable place for Thousound and millinas of people have faith in lord buddha. This has spread all over the world.
Lumbini is important has halg from religious point of view but also from hist orical point if view. Thousand of people comecto visit lumbini every year. The most important as peet of this place is cultre. Lumbini has been the part of culfare of our country.

Pokhara Introduction


lake side in pokhara
Pokhara is the second capital city of the country which lies on the western development region.
It is the beautiful place of the country. If is best for the septlement.
People of pokhara
We can different caste of people in this region. people such as Gurung, magar, tamang, newar etc
although they are of different they have unity they help in each other obstacles.
BEST FOR tourism.
pokhara is very suitable for the tourism sector . because we canfound different beautiful lakes,
hills, himalayans,rivers, forest scenes, cares etc whichattraets the tourists. Tourists take entertainment by looking at hills, himalays, scee lakes and taking entertainment by rafting etc.
so pokhara is very much suitable for toursm sector than other.
pokhara is the second largest populaton first is kathmandu . Due to different facility which resulrs to increase the population of the pokhara.
we have already talked about facility. we can found transport communication electricty communication health service etc in the pokhara. Due to which it is onc of the develored region.